Monday, February 27, 2017


Today, is difficult to meet a person who does not know what a blog is, and never in his life visit the blog. I personally, have learned about this phenomenon in the year since 2010. Since the topic of today's homework - as new media blogs - I'm in the second part of the chapter, be sure to touch on this topic, but first a little history

1994. The student Justin Hall first began to keep a diary on the Internet. Sometimes the creator of the first blog called programmer Dave Winer known, but most researchers do not agree with this statement. They argue that the blog Weiner first gained wide popularity among Internet users.

December 17, 1997. Jorn Berger, founder and editor of the online journal Robot Wisdom, for the first time used the word weblog. It was formed from the phrase logging the web (can be translated as "keep a diary on the Web") - has become a verb into a noun.

April-May 1999. Peter Merholts, creator Peterme blog, spread the term weblog into two parts - we blog (can be translated as "we are blog"). Based on the word blog was created and a new verb - to blog, meaning "to perform any act aimed at the maintenance of the online journal".

August 1999. A small computer company Pyra Labs, based in San Francisco, created a Blogger portal. It was the first free, public, and extremely easy to use tool, which gave rise to the creation of the blogosphere.

December 1999. Rusty Foster (company Pyra Labs) has created software Scoop, which was first used on his Kuro5hin site. Prior to this, Internet users can publish on other sites my notes, but they (notes) has decided the fate of a small group of editors and administrators. Scoop dramatically changed this scheme: Now users can moderate comments on their own. Website Kuro5hin was devoted to discussion of problems of technology and culture. He became a very noticeable phenomenon, but in 2002, Foster was faced with a catastrophic lack of money needed to maintain the site. Foster turned to the users for help, and less than a week, has collected $ 37 thousand. Probably, it was the first in the history of bloggers campaign for voluntary collection of funds for their common offspring.

At the end of the year there were about 50 blogs in the world.

November 2000. Home politicization of blogs. Freelance journalist Josh Marshall has launched a blog TalkingPointsMemo, to discuss the "crisis of Florida" - with mixed results counting of votes cast for the presidential candidates in Florida.

The number of blogs has reached several thousand.

September 2001. Bloggers have become the first source of information for the "big" media. New York authors online diaries were reporting from the scene of the attacks of 11 September 2001: they publish pictures, describing events which began, eyewitness accounts, rumors, etc. Some researchers now believe September 11 the date of occurrence of political blogs. Then event messages online diaries authors were treated seriously.

On a number of journalism faculties of American universities began studying the phenomenon of blogging.

2002. Probably the first major political scandal caused by the actions of bloggers. The ceremony honoring the oldest member of the US Senate Strom Thurmond, Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott said that the US would become the best country if Thurmond once would have won the presidential election.

The first war of blogs. After the invasion of Iraq, many US soldiers set up their blogs, which describes the vicissitudes of military action. Similar blogs created and Iraqis (the most popular of them is likely to become a blog Salam Paks). Military blogging has become very popular among people interested in the course of hostilities.

Well-known Internet entrepreneur David Sithri created the first search engine for blogs - Technorati.

2003. The Oxford English Dictionary first included the word weblog, webloging (blogging process) and weblogger (the person who creates blogs).

Close AOL portal (aka ISP) for the first time made available to all its users the opportunity to create a personal diary.

Blogs come in big politics. US presidential candidate Howard Dean has created a blog covering election issues, later renamed the Blog To America. Many American politicians began to actively campaign and raise money for the campaign using blogs and bloggers.

2004. Blogs engaged in media companies. The company Gawker Media has created Wonkette blog, which publishes rumors, derived from the corridors of power in Washington.

Traditional media - newspapers, magazines, TV and radio - became publish reviews and blogs invite popular bloggers as a commentator.

Webster Dictionary of American English language for the first time included the word blog.

The first conflict between traditional media and blogs. Broadcaster CBS aired a program in which archival documents have been demonstrated, according to which President George W. Bush was careless soldiers, avoid sending to Vietnam only through patronage. This transfer came in the midst of an election campaign. Bloggers - Bush supporters - have shown convincingly that CBS used the documents are fake. CBS apologized.

The largest US parties - Democratic and Republican - have accredited a number of bloggers in their party congresses as representatives of the media. The influential magazine Foreign Policy, who interviewed a number of leading political commentators and US journalists, came to the conclusion that most of them regularly visit the page of personal Internet journals. According to a study conducted by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press, about 4% of US Internet users constantly turning to blogs for information.

Bloggers first manifested themselves during a disaster - the Asian tsunami. Bloggers have helped hundreds of disaster victims find missing relatives, get help, and so forth.

The number of blogs is from 2.4 to 4.1 million.

2005 year. Business magazine Fortune published the names of the eight bloggers whose opinion global business community can not ignore.

Advertising Age magazine has published the results of the survey, which was conducted to find out how many working hours Americans spend on browsing blogs. As it turned out, the number of active readers of blogs is about 35 million -. It is a quarter of all working people in the US. On average, each of them spends on blogs Scan 3.5 hours per week, which amounts to 9% of the total length of stay in the workplace. This means that throughout 2005 a massive interest in the blog turned to the US economy disappearance of almost 5 billion. Working hours. If we estimate the magnitude of these losses on the basis of average hourly pay in the private sector, which is $ 16, then the price will approach $ 80 billion.

The first cases were noted blog layoffs. On Delta Air Lines employee fired after she put her picture in the form of a page of his diary. Microsoft has fired a contractor who put on the blog Apple Computer svom photos.

2006. According to Technorati estimates that the number of blogs is doubling every five and a half months. Every day on the Internet appears about 75 thousand. New pages online journals, that is, on average, one page per second. However, no more than half update their records within three months from the start of their activities. About 9% of blogs are created automatically - basically, it's spam.

According to a study Pew Internet Center, 12% of American teenagers create blogs. Teens much more "blogalizated" than adult residents of the United States. 19% of teens have created their own blogs, while 28% regularly read these pages on the World Wide Web. For comparison - the blogs is only 7% of adult Americans, only 27% of them regularly read other people's online diaries.

The company Hostway conducted a survey and found that one-third of Americans have visited blogs before, and the same - never heard about them. 52% of respondents believe that bloggers should have the same rights as journalists working in traditional media. However, the level of confidence in the blogs is much lower than in conventional media.

A number of large companies - for example, Sun Microsystems and the Microsoft - said that a positive attitude to the fact that their employees create blogs.

China began to actively pursue the authors of blogs that publish materials contrary to the general line of the Communist Party of China (companies providing services to create online diaries, are forced to close the "bad" blogs).

The number of existing and constantly updated blog has reached 15-18 million.

2007. The US Army has released a special statement to the military, who are personal online diaries. Instructions of this type has not yet appeared in the world. It pays particular attention to the placement of photos and other images that contain a "critical or sensitive information." For example, it is forbidden to post photos taken during the operations; explosive devices (detected or explosive); Image captured, killed and wounded; image security systems and so on. In case of any problems with the instructions understanding servicemen prescribed coordinate their positions with the command. Interestingly, these rules must comply with not only military but also civilians, carrying out contracts of US forces in Iraq, as well as family members (military and contractors). The exact number of military bloggers unknown. Some online journals, authors of which are fighting in Iraq, soldiers and officers, gained considerable popularity. There are cases where bloggers have signed contracts to write books.

Further, there is no point in looking for any date since then - simply growing numbers of blogs and the cost of advertising in particular developed ones!

Part two!!!

For those blogs are becoming an alternative source of information - their number, attendance noticeably increased. Blog authors tell their audience about news, give comments and value judgments about different events in the world and the country.

But can blogs be a full-fledged alternative media, if the validity of information and quality of supply to them, no one checks?

With the emergence of newspapers, radio, television, people began to receive a variety of information processed in prepared form. These information materials have been developed over time, high professional requirements. Added the theme of engagement. State media are often criticized for the lack of freedom of speech, formalism, and silence inconvenient state events.

After the collapse of the USSR, many restrictions on the media were removed, there was a lot of room for experimentation and fantasy. In the case of the Estonian-language media to the audience, everything was more or less in the framework, I do not know whether that morality. Not quite sure, but probably just did not have the resources and the desire to compete with the Finnish entertainment channels. And so any wild talk shows and soap operas dibilno Estonians still managed to escape. But the Russian-speaking part of Estonia got the full !!! True in the beginning no one really complained. And even in the daytime media "liberated" twist advertising means "male power" condom "on the phone Flirting", show nude clips of American singers and bawdy series.

Today, when the above-mentioned media are experiencing a decrease in demand for its services, the first place among all sources of information taken online. On the Internet and did reigns complete "freedom" - not only obscene and prohibited advertising clips, but also, for example, video calls from terrorists, their execution and massacre of the people.

I noticed a trend that many people gradually began to neglect the official sources of information and to pay attention to the author's blog.

Blogs began to compete with other media.

What causes such a competition? For a small monthly fee, anyone is able to show and prove themselves in front of an audience of millions. Thus, he gets equal opportunities and equal starting conditions with professional journalists, regardless of their income and the availability of education. He begins to compete with professional media.

Who eventually wins the competition for the minds of men, for the attention of the audience?

It is not always worth it! So, in 2012 the most popular blogger in Russia has become a prostitute ... (Learn and social networks - prostitutka_ket). Man very lowly profession.

For what she was doing, higher education and great intellect is required. Maybe she knows how to find an approach to customers, partly referring to her work as a psychologist. However, in his notes in the blog and social networks, it has long gone beyond their professional observations. It provides comments on a completely different topic, and its constant audience approves some of her advice on life, life and outlook.

People "peck" on a trivial subject, not wanting to broaden their horizons and think about serious things.

If the culture will follow the ideology of such unstructured competition and give up claims, expertise, analysis, quality and ethics of the media, the media will work on the degradation pathway.

Indeed, why people are so interested in blogs?

Many young people interested in politics, claim that the news on the TV for a long time do not look - everything is distorted, tailored to the official version, and submitted boring and too formal, often - willfully. A much more accurate information is best to look on the websites, in social networks, blogs. There's an informal and accessible explain everything, will present a fun and provocative, and above all - in accordance with the personal views of the speaker rather than at the behest of the state.

On the other hand there are a lot of blogs that are professional journalists, historians, scientists have blogs and much more. And, for example, in small states still do not have such serious problems with blogs, such as in the same United States, where the former porn star paid a lot of money just for the fact that it is in his blog to write about what a thread there, Senator is goody-goody!!!

Internet journalism has become a new branch of journalism, alternative media. But while her work is not ordered, it raises many questions. It is necessary to think as they say! And slowly start the whole thing controlled, for example, to block the blogs openly provocative character, for example, in which cultivated the image of a mega-riders. However, to be honest, as long as our government is not in any way affected. First place in the top blogs of 2017 in our country, in a typical commercial blog with 13556 clicks such attendance can not influence at least something!

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Before Internet technologies which are still going on and already dead!

This time, I hope I have correctly understood the task! So today we will talk about technologies BEFORE the Internet. For the basis - two stories, the technology that is still alive and that were replaced by others as a result of evolution. Frankly, well nothing creeps into your head about the days before the internet, and that is it so far has been important except the computers and game consoles (well let it be console) - about them we will speak  at the second part of my chapter. First - the Internet before Internet (FIDO).

Root Fidonet network was initiated in 1984 by Americans Tom Jennings and John Medillom who were engaged in collaborative writing software BBS called Fido. They live on opposite ends of the continent, and perhaps this is what prompted them to suggest to add to the system module, which provides the organization an automatic transmission over a telephone line without human intervention data. About what happens next - the word Tom Jennings.

"At the time of the first test Fidonet network consisted of only two components - my site Fido # 1 in Los Angeles and the node Fido # 2 John Medilla in Baltimore, John and I spent the initial work on the creation and testing of Fidonet Hikakih specific purposes us before.. is not set:. it was interesting just to make sure the network performance as hams - in performance devised for the circuit of fun However, the network quickly proved its usefulness, and the exchange between us Fidonet messages instead of phone calls in-line to each other on the BBS or costly negotiations voice soon became a matter of course".

Around June 1984 saw the publication of the seventh version of the program Fido, It was not yet the message routing, error handling, logging and other good things will come later. Everything was very simple - to create a mail package was made a call to connect and package passed. The idea and implementation of Fidonet liking operators BBS, and started an intensive network growth. In August 1984, there were 30 in Fidonet telecommunication nodes, in February 1985 - 160, in the beginning of 1987 - 2000, in the beginning of 1992 - 20,000, in February 1995 - more than 37,000 units! Number of Point Fidonet users and BBS, having access to email and ekhokonferentsii Fidonet, without incalculable; According to rough estimates, there are at least half a million. Fidonet technology proved to be so popular that it is based on the set up and operate hundreds of amateur and commercial telecommunications networks are compatible with Fidonet software; (*) many of them are gateways to Fidonet. In Fidonet network as there are a large number of gateways to the Internet network. Even at a very early stage of development in the Fidonet address structure was laid and multilevel hierarchy that allowed to further develop the principles of decentralized management and support network development.

Since the inception of its Fidonet technology standards developed by the members of the network. At first they were just additional features introduced by the creators of the first programs for Fidonet; but over time the growth of the network called, on the one hand, the need for more stringent standards, and on the other hand, steadily increased the number of members of Fidonet proposed changes and additions to the Fidonet technology. In order to solve the problems was created Committee on Fidonet Technology Standards (Fidonet Technology Standards Comittee, FTSC), which during its existence has developed on the basis of the numerous proposals of members of the network a few dozen different standards Fidonet technology components.

Initially Fidonet network was designed for the exchange of personal e-mail between the nodes, in fact - between the nodes by the operators. Soon ehokonferentsy technology was developed; This technology has allowed for the first time to combine mailboxes scattered BBS and to create for them a common system of electronic exchange of information. ehokonferentsy Technology has given a powerful impetus to the development of a network Fidonet, and themselves BBS - software developers BBS and e-mail Fidonet programs began to provide in their products the ability to integrate BBS and Fidonet nodes on a single computer, and Fidonet looked like a "network of BBS": in most of the Fidonet BBS nodes have been deployed, and back, most BBS sought and obtained an address in the network Fidonet. And now about 80 per cent of the sites Fidonet provide access to their resources not only to other network nodes automatically, but users BBS online. Fidonet in principle still exists, but it is already past. With the advent of cheap internet on her replaced forums, facebook, chat, ICQ, viber, Skype, and so on and so.

OK - something that is still developing and is not going to stop, and began with the era when the network was, but cheap Internet have to wait and wait - the console.

The first generation of game consoles.

The beginning of the console era assumed since 1972, when it went on sale the first game.

Magnavox Odyssey is considered to be the world's first game console. Magnavox Odyssey 100 was released into the market in autumn 1975. It was cheaper than the previous one, but the presentation of this model was the May 24, 1972, and in August of the same year it became available to buyers. Unlike modern gaming systems, the first console had no chips or microprocessors. Work Magnavox Odyssey was based on diode-transistor logic. She had just two games. This was followed by several consoles from this manufacturer. Magnavox Odyssey Magnavox Odyssey 200 and 300, the latter of whom worked on the chip General Instruments AY-3-8500. In 1976, we entered the market MNintendo Color TV Gameagnavox Magnavox Odyssey 100Odyssey 400 Magnavox Odyssey 500, the second pleased customers fairly advanced color graphics. In 1977 we saw the light several consoles: Magnavox Odyssey 2000, 3000 and 4000. In 1975 and 1976 also came Pong consoles from Atari and Coleco Telstar. In 1977 there was the first console from Nintendo - Nintendo Color TV Game.

The second generation of game consoles (the appearance of the first 8-bit consoles).

Second generation era began in 1976. The founders of this era is considered Fairchild Channel F - the first video game console, which has worked on the cartridges containing the program. The prefix is ​​based on a rather complex microprocessor Fairchild F8. Imagine the following technical specifications: Processor 1.79 MHz RAM: 64 bytes, and a resolution of 128 × 64.
Atari 2600 - the console is also worth noting. It was released in 1977 and became the most popular game system of the time.

Mattel Intellivision console can be called ahead of time from a technical point of view. Launched in the 80 th year of the 20th century, long before she was a 16-bit generation, had a processor with registers of 16 bits. In those days, it was also released gaming systems such as the Atari 5200, Milton Bradley Vectrex, Emerson Arcadia 2001, ColecoVision, Sega SG-1000 and Bally Astrocade. Of these, it is worth noting the console ColecoVision and Sega SG-1000 in the first game first appeared in Donkey Kong, well, the second was the first attempt to present well-known company Sega.

The third generation of game consoles (recovery of the gaming industry after its crisis).

The third era is the era of 8-bit consoles, and that the most important and significant, is the emergence of sprite graphics. Although up to this point in some set-top boxes were 8-bit processors, the very notion of "8-bit consoles",  it during this period.

Famicom / NES / Dendy - the most popular 8-bits. Start of sales of the gaming system in Japan occurred in the distant 1983. She was very successful in terms of technical solutions. It was her many consider the impetus for the gaming industry following the crisis. On this console was released a lot of games, and Mario, the main character game series Super Mario Bros., was the mascot of the company. The prefix NES and to this day is on sale, if you are not able to buy it, you can download Dendy emulator and play on it.

Apart from the Nintendo consoles, in the era of the third generation came Master System game system from Sega and Atari 7800. It is also worth noting that it was then that originated many well-known game series, such as: Sonic, Prince of Persia, The Legend of Zelda, Dragon Quest, Castlevania, Final Fantasy and many others.

The fourth generation of game consoles (16-bit era of gaming systems).

This epoch has its origins in 1987, when Japan entered the market TurboGrafx-16 (NEC PC Engine). Yes, the first 16 had been jam-this is the system, not consoles from Sega and Nintendo. But the major players still steel consoles of the last two companies.

Sega Mega Drive / Genesis/ Sega Mega Drive / Genesis - the first of two 16-bit monsters went on sale. October 29, 1988, the prefix has been available to Japanese consumers. The console had two processors: the primary and secondary Motorola 68000 Zilog Z80. On the console was released more than 900 games, some are proprietary company, and some, such as Golden Axe, Ghouls' n Ghosts, etc., is a port of a slot machine.

Super Nintendo Entertainment System (Super Nintendo, Super NES and SNES) - console appeared at the end of 1990, mainly due to the fact that Sega MD has become very popular, and the first console from Nintendo began to lose its position in front of 16-bit systems. SNES worked on 16-bit Ricoh 5A22 processor with a clock frequency of 3.58 MHz. The new console from Nintendo was a success from the start and quickly began to crowd out competitors from the Japanese market. Many believed this console is much more powerful than its direct competitor from Sega, but this is still a controversial issue. But we can say for sure that the Super Nintendo gave us a lot of hit games.

The fifth generation of game consoles (times of 32- and 64-bit game consoles).

Fifth-generation time, this period the birth of the three-dimensional polygonal graphics and new game series.

3DO Interactive Multiplayer, 3DO Interactive Multiplayer and Panasonic 3DO - although the game system made by many companies, such as Sanyo, Creative and Goldstar (now LG), we have this attachment is best known as the Panasonic 3DO. Home sales began in 1993, but the price for it was high enough. It is believed that the high cost of fact not be given this very popular console in the world before the advent of more powerful gaming systems.

Sega Saturn - 32-bit console from Sega. The console was released in November 1994. Prefix worked two CPUs Hitachi SuperH-2 7604 with a frequency of 28.63 MHz and 6 coprocessors. Sega Saturn console was powerful enough, it was believed that she was even more productive than its main competitor from Sony. However, the complex architecture of the console hampered developers to use its capacity to the full. To date, there are several emulators with which you can play games created for: Saturn, but they are quite complex to set up.

Sony PlayStation, as it is called PS or PS1. The first console from Sony, through which the company was able to press on the Nintendo and Sega gaming market. The prefix was designed Sony Computer Entertainment, and its release was held in Japan in December 1994. It is considered a PlayStation game system, which is affected by the sunset games on cartridges. Games library of the console has more than 8000 games. It degenerated and were born and now many popular gaming series like: Metal Gear Solid, Gran Turismo, Final Fantasy, Crash Bandicoot, Tekken, Resident Evil and others.

Nintendo 64, also known as the Ultra 64 64-bit video game console released in 1996 by Nintendo. The prefix was much more productive than their competitors in the console are the CPU with a frequency of 93.75 MHz, and a graphic with a frequency of 62.5 MHz. In graphic terms Nintendo's system has been head and shoulders above all others: it has been implemented such goodies as smoothing textures, MIP-mapping and more. Believe me, if you were in those days saw Super Mario 64, Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire or Turok: Dinosaur Hunter, you would be frozen. The weak point of the console appeared carrier. As in the past, the company used cartridges, which limited the amount produced in the game, also noted the complexity of programming for this platform.

The sixth generation of video game consoles (many call the console, released at this time - 128-bit).

Start taking this era with the release of Dreamcast consoles from Sega in November 1998. It is also worth noting the appearance of a new player in this market, it has become Microsoft. Well, we can say that the most unfortunate event - a death of Sega as a manufacturer of game consoles.

Sega Dreamcast - the first sixth-generation console, the fifth and the last to date, consoles from Sega. At launch, the game system from Sega gave out an excellent plan, which was made possible by the CPU Hitachi SH4 RISC 200MHz and graphics coprocessors PowerVR2 CLX2 (Series II), 100 MHz. To the best games released on the Dreamcast include Crazy Taxi, Jet Grind Radio. Of course, Sonic Adventure and perhaps the most spectacular project of those times on game consoles Shenmue. While consoles start was very good, by reason of financial difficulties that have emerged from the company due to the irrational actions of its financial professionals, the company was not able to compete with Sony and its PlayStation 2 due to a lack of financial support to its console, and was forced to discontinue its support.

Sony PlayStation 2 Sony again and again the PlayStation, but this time at number 2. PlayStation 2, or PS2, today it is the most popular attachment, which was produced almost 13 years, taking the start in 2000, the latest console went off the assembly line already in 2013. The great advantage of this system is able to run on it games from the PS1. The system is based on a 64-bit CPU «Emotion Engine» at a frequency of 294 MHz and the graphics co processor «Graphics Synthesizer». On the Internet you can find a PS2 emulator that can run quite tolerably certain games.

Nintendo GameCube - another veteran of the console platformers industry came in 2001. Technical characteristics of the console were not bad enough, there have been set PowerPC «Gekko» CPU with a frequency of 485 MHz and a video processor «Flipper» from ATI with a frequency of 162 MHz.

Xbox from Microsoft - the first attempt to get into the software giant's game console on the market, and, admittedly, successful. The prefix was published in 2001 and, thanks to the company's financial capabilities, quickly secured the support of the game makers. Seen from the point of view of the filling of the console, it is a home computer, adapted well for the game. Here and Intel Xbox processor from Microsoft Celeron / PIII Custom Hybrid video processor and Nvidia NV2A. The architecture of the console, plus gave against developers. On the console, it was easy enough to move computer games. And, thanks to this game system, we found Halo!

The seventh generation of video game consoles.

Microsoft's Xbox 360 was the first console of the seventh generation. As in his previous game system, the company has taken as a basis for the architecture of a similar computer. Prefix worked at the central triple-core processor Xenon 3,2 GHz, and graphics for the ATI Xenos replied with a frequency of 500 MHz. Xbox360 is the first home-top box that supports high resolutions up to 1080p.
Nintendo Wii - although from a technical point of view, this console was much weaker than its competitors. However, it was sold to the greatest number. The system worked on a processor from IBM «Broadway» with a frequency of 729 MHz, and for the video posted graphics chip «Hollywood» from ATI. The main Wii managed to get popularity due to its controller, the Wii Remote and games made for him.

The PlayStation 3 from Sony is a real multimedia center. It is possible to play, to communicate on the Internet, watch movies, and more. It has also been implemented backwards compatibility with previous generations of consoles. This console was the most powerful in performance among the seventh generation consoles. The heart of the console was eight-processor Cell Broadband Engine processor with a clock frequency of 3.2 GHz, and graphics was RSX Reality Synthesizer with 550 MHz. According to statements of the Sony, it's the system to produce 1.8 TFLOPS, which was almost twice as much compared to the closest competitor Xbox 360. But the complex architecture created difficulties to get the most out of the console.

Well, that's all. Today, the market is ruled by the eighth generation of consoles. But this is not a history it is the Present. If you wonder what they look like - go to any online store and see for yourself! It looks impressive!

Thursday, February 16, 2017

3 cases of failure in IT

Even the most successful companies have their own black days. “Without loses there is no wins” as they say.

So… In the 1st topic at the end of wiki page was the task. I did not saw it in first place – and it was the reason of the first topic in my blog was born. But it is ok!!! It will be second (thank God I saw the task in normal time)!!! The task is to look through the histories of three most huge failures of IT history and think of them a little. Yes, sure I need to tell the conclusions of them, something like: “if they do like this it wouldn’t be happen like it was”, but I will not. It is not possible for those histories. You will think the same after you read my new topic! But yeah i will end with summary.

Ok. Yes. Failures was many-many-many, but I will tell about failures in companies everybody is know and last will be not exactly a failure, it is defeat in the battle of equal and this defeat is giving only honor.

Let us look back to the near past. Let us look at the history of Windows Vista live and list all of its mistakes witch kill it very fast. Yes. All of us was using this Operational System but not as long as Windows XP and if was variants not to use it we’ve done it! 

Mistake #1. Late sales start.
First mistake Windows Vista made, it made it before it even burn. Sales start date of Vista is coming with its history deep into the past. Already in summer, when Windows XP wasn’t started to sell, Vista was told as a successor of it. Told as Longhorn System – Vista was promised to start at the end of 2003y. Time goes, system wasn’t all the questions about it reduced to some kind of farce. Windows Vista late for 3 years at the beginning of 2007y. User expectations were not fulfilled, the credibility to Microsoft has been undermined, relation to Windows Vista has not been so smooth - everybody tried to find flaws in the system. It was not being love before it was even burn.

Mistake #2. Huge expectations.
The was too many things that was expected from the system. Just before start the second problem was revealed – Microsoft required from its programmers too many, there was no possible ways to done all the tasks. As an example, file system WinFS, which was deleted at the and from tasks. Another goal was to create an interface (symbols and text) on vector graphics, completely independent of the screen resolution. It was crossed out and postponed to later times.

Mistake #3. Bad compability.
Despite the fact that Microsoft had years to inform computer world of the Windows Vista standards, they couldn’t avoid problems with compability. Very large plate of users was not ready to Vista. A lot of programs couldn’t handle with Vista Account Control. Moreover, many devices have not worked because they did not have drivers. Microsoft arranged trial of beta-tests and a limited number of licenses for a limited time and lots of users faced Vista only after they bought new computers.

Mistake #4. System requirements was too high.
Probably, strategists from Rendmond overestimated computer quality of normal users at home. According to the statistics average computer was bought for 3 years before Millennium, after that sales was coming lower. Many had 1 GB RAM and 1 GHz processors. That gives possibility to use all the software for home and work, listen music and at the same time use Internet with comfort. Only few bought powerful computers for gaming. As a result: Windows Vista requirements was too high for “old” computers. Only few was ready for spend money to upgrade, so lots of users demand to downgrade Vista to XP.

Mistake #5 “In the wrong place and at the wrong time”
Yes, it is appears that it was not the Microsoft fault. But to kill is to kill. When the Vista started at the market rushed, like a bomb absolutely new product – netbooks.

Device had market as it was its own. Deficit of little, light, full-capacity computers with Internet access was destroyed by them. And, of course, they wasn’t designed for super requirement as Vista needed. First of them even had as start OS Linux. Microsoft couldn’t just watch it and do nothing, so they had to go back and reborn XP. They restart XP sales even if they wasn’t up-to-date OS, but Microsoft didn’t have another one.

Mistake #6 Price
Vista was most expensive Operational System for all the Windows existing. No comments!!!

Mistake #7 Windows XP
It may sound strange, but the success of previous system take its shot for fail of Vista system. Windows XP was most ideal system of it time – stability and reliability of Windows 2000 in combination with the convenience and good compatibility with games and applications from Windows 98 times – done the XP natural working horse and nobody needs the new version.

Mistake #8 Incompatibility with predecessors
Yes, most of the programs from Windows XP times are working at Windows Vista without a problems, but some – do not. And basically they are – office software. Most of the companies didn’t wanted to change operation systems, soft and with them computer park – too many money and need to teach stuff.

Mistake #9 User Account Control
It was a good idea. Users have limited rights and freedoms on the computer, it makes 2 good moments: security from reckless actions and security from viruses and hackers. Problem was with the settings. UAC was very strict and very often warns. That leads to scheme: its endless warnings it dulls caution -> rash actions -> "hit from behind on the head”, ta-da!!! computer is infected or under foreign control.

Mistake #10 Folder control
Folders in Vista are not always the folders which user see. That fact often leads to chao. Vany users wanted to keep the File Explorer the used to, so often used third-party programs instead of Windows Explorer.

Mistake #11 Reviews
Well.. After all of these it would be strange to look forward for good reviews from users and journals… All what was told was written there and that was the final nail in the coffin of Windows Vista. XP lives even longer!!!

Ok then!!! Microsoft I kicked a little! Now it is turn for another giant.
Apple Newton MessagePad
It wasn’t simple killed. It was dragged to the toilet, and finished off by the hair and that was done by one of the greatest people in IT industry” – this exception is from american journal The Wired where was written about the death one of the first PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) in history.
It all starts in 1993 – when the president of Apple inc – John Sculle decides that Apple absolutely need to blow up the market by developing computer what would be placed in a pocket. Apple Newton – the name of OS for devices of the MessagePad line. As planned, these devices should be compact, text recognized and easy to manage. In the reality 6 inch and thick PDA with 1000 dollar price did not came into any pocket, demanded stylus usage and read handwriting so incorrectly that even “Simpsons” where joking of Apple. 5 years of Newton era were interrupted by Palm gadgets – they were lighter, chipper and more reliable than Apple devices, for which for the first time in Cupertino donated his brand white.
“The Lord gave us 10 styluses. These are our fingers” – legend how Steve Jobs talk about MessagePad by using another aphorism. Most likely, accompanied by a beautiful quote a favorite phrase of the founder of Apple, with which Jobs is diagnosed with a monstrous devices: “This is CENSORED”. In 1998 project was closed at one moment, so as not to suffer another fail in the market. After 10 years the Newton death Steve Jobs was at the scene with elegant iPhone and made history by announcing the most sold line of smartphones in the world.
This becomes a tradition when developers in IT-industry comes hand to hand. New ideas of technics modifications, introduction of new data base protocols and their modifications. This healthy competition, operating on the principle of "who first come, his sneakers then" sometimes goes beyond all reasonable boundaries.
That story is about a real war between two technologies: HD DVD and Blu-Ray.
Unlike the previous technologies (CD, DVD – red laser) they use blue-violet laser with a short wave (405 manometers). This ensures a smaller diameter of the light spot, and as a result, significantly greater recording density.
But (always this word is!!) difference between that two formats are. HD DVD (Toshiba) was using disks with same structure what is using DVD, while disks Blu-ray have absolutely different structure. What this means from a user perspective? Well, HD DVDs could cost much cheaper than Blu-Ray – because they could use the same tech-lines to produce them, same tech-lines what are used to produce normal DVD disks. At the same time this means that hybrid device what can read HD DVD and Blue-Ray (Sony) wasn’t possible. Or possible but very expensive.
Second difference - different amounts of disk. Maximum of HD DVD was 15 GB for one-ply disk and 30 GB for two-ply disk. Was even announced three-ply disk with 45 GB, but it didn’t happens. Blue-rays much capacious 45 and 100 GB (4-ply disk).
But the buyer, by and large, all these technical features to the bulb. Write to Disc movie with HD-picture, playing a special player or the computer's optical drive - and it is fine. And what's the logo on the disc is drawn - the case tenth.
So it happened that the fight against high-definition formats actually became a battle between the two camps, which included the world's largest IT-companies. Toshiba Corporation (developer of HD DVD) allies was Microsoft, Intel, Sanyo and NEC, Sony (Blu-ray developer) allies Panasonic, Hitachi, Apple, Dell and HP.
The task was not easy to supporters formats: they needed to win to his side as much as possible the influential Hollywood studios. The infamous fight with pirated DVD-disks so exhausted filmmakers that promise to make discs for high-definition video recording is completely tamper-proof and rewriting, of course, they were perceived favorably. However, and here it is not so simple - the two disc formats are now protected by AACS  technology (Advanced Access Content System)which was developed by DVD Forum with BDA alliance cooperation. Therefore, here the decision to support that is not a consequence of technology superiority is a particular format, and only a successful marketing moves: of its intention to release movies on HD DVD announced Paramount Pictures, Universal Pictures, Warner Brothers, HBO and New Line Cinema, Blu-ray has only Walt-Disney Columbia and 20th Century Fox.
The turning point in the fight against HD DVD / Blu-ray was the release of the Sony PlayStation 3. It has Blue-ray drive and games for PS3 are producing only in that format. For a year over the world was sold 10.6 million of PS3. And considering that Sony offered customers free consoles movies in Blu-ray format it became clear that all PS3 owners can be considered without undue arrogance format supporters of Blu-ray. Yes, in response the Microsoft promised to release HD DVD drive for its Xbox 360 consoles as an option, but it couldn’t make a difference.
Finally, the tendency to defeat HD DVD emerged in late 2007. And in January, when the film studio Warner Brothers has announced that from May 2008, it will stop the release of movies on HD DVD and go completely on Blu-ray, the situation began to develop truly a cruising speed. Fuel to the fire poured retailers: British retail chain Woolworths has promised to stop selling HD DVD in March of this year, and the largest US seller - retail chain of supermarkets Wal-Mart Stores Inc. - focused on Blu-ray sales in the summer.
19 of February 2008 year Toshiba officially announced the termination of all projects related to HD DVD.
Summarizing, we can say that the causes of HD DVD format displacement format Blu-ray is quite a lot. This successful sales of gaming Sony PS3 console, which virtually erased from the HD DVD series of potential supporters of more than ten million people - buying unit, two-in-one (prefix + player high-definition discs), they are unlikely to be re-spent on player for CDs competing format. This can be attributed to a competent policy of Sony companions, who do not disowned cooperation with producers of porn - apparently bitter experience Betamax and JVC trade war. Again, the major role played by marketing policy and unofficial talks with representatives of production companies.

And in conclusion of my article I would say always commensurate with the possibilities of desire, never show off in advance if promised - and do all the same no matter how you try - can always find someone who will beat you so it is always necessary to have a backup plan.

P.S. Everything is ok with Toshiba!!!