is difficult to meet a person who does not
know what a blog is, and never in his life
visit the blog. I personally, have learned
about this phenomenon in the year since 2010. Since the topic of
today's homework - as new media blogs - I'm in the second part of the
chapter, be sure to touch on this topic, but first a little history
The student Justin Hall first began to keep a diary on the Internet.
Sometimes the creator of the first blog called programmer Dave Winer
known, but most researchers do not agree with this statement. They
argue that the blog Weiner first gained wide popularity among
Internet users.
17, 1997. Jorn Berger, founder and editor of the online journal Robot
Wisdom, for the first time used the word weblog. It was formed from
the phrase logging the web (can be translated as "keep a diary
on the Web") - has become a verb into a noun.
1999. Peter Merholts, creator Peterme blog, spread the term weblog
into two parts - we blog (can be translated as "we are blog").
Based on the word blog was created and a new verb - to blog, meaning
"to perform any act aimed at the maintenance of the online
1999. A small computer company Pyra Labs, based in San Francisco,
created a Blogger portal. It was the first free, public, and
extremely easy to use tool, which gave rise to the creation of the
1999. Rusty Foster (company Pyra Labs) has created software Scoop,
which was first used on his Kuro5hin site. Prior to this, Internet
users can publish on other sites my notes, but they (notes) has
decided the fate of a small group of editors and administrators.
Scoop dramatically changed this scheme: Now users can moderate
comments on their own. Website Kuro5hin was devoted to discussion of
problems of technology and culture. He became a very noticeable
phenomenon, but in 2002, Foster was faced with a catastrophic lack of
money needed to maintain the site. Foster turned to the users for
help, and less than a week, has collected $ 37 thousand. Probably, it
was the first in the history of bloggers campaign for voluntary
collection of funds for their common offspring.
the end of the year there were about 50 blogs in the world.
2000. Home politicization of blogs. Freelance journalist Josh
Marshall has launched a blog TalkingPointsMemo, to discuss the
"crisis of Florida" - with mixed results counting of votes
cast for the presidential candidates in Florida.
number of blogs has reached several thousand.
2001. Bloggers have become the first source of information for the
"big" media. New York authors online diaries were reporting
from the scene of the attacks of 11 September 2001: they publish
pictures, describing events which began, eyewitness accounts, rumors,
etc. Some researchers now believe September 11 the date of occurrence
of political blogs. Then event messages online diaries authors were
treated seriously.
a number of journalism faculties of American universities began
studying the phenomenon of blogging.
Probably the first major political scandal caused by the actions of
bloggers. The ceremony honoring the oldest member of the US Senate
Strom Thurmond, Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott said that the US
would become the best country if Thurmond once would have won the
presidential election.
first war of blogs. After the invasion of Iraq, many US soldiers set
up their blogs, which describes the vicissitudes of military action.
Similar blogs created and Iraqis (the most popular of them is likely
to become a blog Salam Paks). Military blogging has become very
popular among people interested in the course of hostilities.
Internet entrepreneur David Sithri created the first search engine
for blogs - Technorati.
The Oxford English Dictionary first included the word weblog,
webloging (blogging process) and weblogger (the person who creates
AOL portal (aka ISP) for the first time made available to all its
users the opportunity to create a personal diary.
come in big politics. US presidential candidate Howard Dean has
created a blog covering election issues, later renamed the Blog To
America. Many American politicians began to actively campaign and
raise money for the campaign using blogs and bloggers.
Blogs engaged in media companies. The company Gawker Media has
created Wonkette blog, which publishes rumors, derived from the
corridors of power in Washington.
media - newspapers, magazines, TV and radio - became publish reviews
and blogs invite popular bloggers as a commentator.
Dictionary of American English language for the first time included
the word blog.
first conflict between traditional media and blogs. Broadcaster CBS
aired a program in which archival documents have been demonstrated,
according to which President George W. Bush was careless soldiers,
avoid sending to Vietnam only through patronage. This transfer came
in the midst of an election campaign. Bloggers - Bush supporters -
have shown convincingly that CBS used the documents are fake. CBS
largest US parties - Democratic and Republican - have accredited a
number of bloggers in their party congresses as representatives of
the media. The influential magazine Foreign Policy, who interviewed a
number of leading political commentators and US journalists, came to
the conclusion that most of them regularly visit the page of personal
Internet journals. According to a study conducted by the Pew Research
Center for the People and the Press, about 4% of US Internet users
constantly turning to blogs for information.
first manifested themselves during a disaster - the Asian tsunami.
Bloggers have helped hundreds of disaster victims find missing
relatives, get help, and so forth.
number of blogs is from 2.4 to 4.1 million.
year. Business magazine Fortune published the names of the eight
bloggers whose opinion global business community can not ignore.
Age magazine has published the results of the survey, which was
conducted to find out how many working hours Americans spend on
browsing blogs. As it turned out, the number of active readers of
blogs is about 35 million -. It is a quarter of all working people in
the US. On average, each of them spends on blogs Scan 3.5 hours per
week, which amounts to 9% of the total length of stay in the
workplace. This means that throughout 2005 a massive interest in the
blog turned to the US economy disappearance of almost 5 billion.
Working hours. If we estimate the magnitude of these losses on the
basis of average hourly pay in the private sector, which is $ 16,
then the price will approach $ 80 billion.
first cases were noted blog layoffs. On Delta Air Lines employee
fired after she put her picture in the form of a page of his diary.
Microsoft has fired a contractor who put on the blog Apple Computer
svom photos.
According to Technorati estimates that the number of blogs is
doubling every five and a half months. Every day on the Internet
appears about 75 thousand. New pages online journals, that is, on
average, one page per second. However, no more than half update their
records within three months from the start of their activities. About
9% of blogs are created automatically - basically, it's spam.
to a study Pew Internet Center, 12% of American teenagers create
blogs. Teens much more "blogalizated"
than adult residents of the United States. 19% of teens have created
their own blogs, while 28% regularly read these pages on the World
Wide Web. For comparison - the blogs is only 7% of adult Americans,
only 27% of them regularly read other people's online diaries.
company Hostway conducted a survey and found that one-third of
Americans have visited blogs before, and the same - never heard about
them. 52% of respondents believe that bloggers should have the same
rights as journalists working in traditional media. However, the
level of confidence in the blogs is much lower than in conventional
number of large companies - for example, Sun Microsystems and the
Microsoft - said that a positive attitude to the fact that their
employees create blogs.
began to actively pursue the authors of blogs that publish materials
contrary to the general line of the Communist Party of China
(companies providing services to create online diaries, are forced to
close the "bad" blogs).
number of existing and constantly updated blog has reached 15-18
The US Army has released a special statement to the military, who are
personal online diaries. Instructions of this type has not yet
appeared in the world. It pays particular attention to the placement
of photos and other images that contain a "critical or sensitive
information." For example, it is forbidden to post photos taken
during the operations; explosive devices (detected or explosive);
Image captured, killed and wounded; image security systems and so on.
In case of any problems with the instructions understanding
servicemen prescribed coordinate their positions with the command.
Interestingly, these rules must comply with not only military but
also civilians, carrying out contracts of US forces in Iraq, as well
as family members (military and contractors). The exact number of
military bloggers unknown. Some online journals, authors of which are
fighting in Iraq, soldiers and officers, gained considerable
popularity. There are cases where bloggers have signed contracts to
write books.
there is no point in looking for any date since then - simply growing
numbers of blogs and the cost of advertising in particular developed
those blogs are becoming an alternative source of information - their
number, attendance noticeably increased. Blog authors tell their
audience about news, give comments and value judgments about
different events in the world and the country.
can blogs be a full-fledged alternative media, if the validity of
information and quality of supply to them, no one checks?
the emergence of newspapers, radio, television, people began to
receive a variety of information processed in prepared form. These
information materials have been developed over time, high
professional requirements. Added the theme of engagement. State media
are often criticized for the lack of freedom of speech, formalism,
and silence inconvenient state events.
the collapse of the USSR, many restrictions on the media were
removed, there was a lot of room for experimentation and fantasy. In
the case of the Estonian-language media to the audience, everything
was more or less in the framework, I do not know whether that
morality. Not quite sure, but probably just did not have the
resources and the desire to compete with the Finnish entertainment
channels. And so any wild talk shows and soap operas dibilno
Estonians still managed to escape. But the Russian-speaking part of
Estonia got the full !!! True in the beginning no one really
complained. And even in the daytime media "liberated" twist
advertising means "male power" condom "on the phone
Flirting", show nude clips of American singers and bawdy series.
when the above-mentioned media are experiencing a decrease in demand
for its services, the first place among all sources of information
taken online. On the Internet and did reigns complete "freedom"
- not only obscene and prohibited advertising clips, but also, for
example, video calls from terrorists,
their execution and massacre of the people.
noticed a trend that many people gradually began to neglect the
official sources of information and to pay attention to the author's
began to compete with other media.
causes such a competition? For a small monthly fee, anyone is able to
show and prove themselves in front of an audience of millions. Thus,
he gets equal opportunities and equal starting conditions with
professional journalists, regardless of their income and the
availability of education. He begins to compete with professional
eventually wins the competition for the minds of men, for the
attention of the audience?
is not always worth it! So, in 2012 the most popular blogger in
Russia has become a prostitute ... (Learn and social networks -
prostitutka_ket). Man very lowly profession.
what she was doing, higher education and great intellect is required.
Maybe she knows how to find an approach to customers, partly
referring to her work as a psychologist. However, in his notes in the
blog and social networks, it has long gone beyond their professional
observations. It provides comments on a completely different topic,
and its constant audience approves some of her advice on life, life
and outlook.
"peck" on a trivial subject, not wanting to broaden their
horizons and think about serious things.
the culture will follow the ideology of such unstructured competition
and give up claims, expertise, analysis, quality and ethics of the
media, the media will work on the degradation pathway.
why people are so interested in blogs?
young people interested in politics, claim that the news on the TV
for a long time do not look - everything is distorted, tailored to
the official version, and submitted boring and too formal, often -
willfully. A much more accurate information is best to look on the
websites, in social networks, blogs. There's an informal and
accessible explain everything, will present a fun and provocative,
and above all - in accordance with the personal views of the speaker
rather than at the behest of the state.
the other hand there are a lot of blogs that are professional
journalists, historians, scientists have blogs and much more. And,
for example, in small states still do not have such serious problems
with blogs, such as in the same United States, where the former porn
star paid a lot of money just for the fact that it is in his blog to
write about what a thread there, Senator is
journalism has become a new branch of journalism, alternative media.
But while her work is not ordered, it raises many questions. It is
necessary to think as they say! And slowly start the whole thing
controlled, for example, to block the blogs openly provocative
character, for example, in which cultivated the image of a
mega-riders. However, to be honest, as long as our government is not
in any way affected. First place in the top blogs of 2017 in our
country, in a typical commercial blog with 13556 clicks such
attendance can not influence at least something!