I, honestly do not sit on the Net often. But I had a period when I was actively playing online games for a couple of years, and there was a period when I was sitting on the forum, well, a very short period, when Netscape was the best browser, I was chatting russkoeradio.fm (it was the case !! !).
Since the experience is quite small I can not divide it by the points as it broke it Viktoria Shea. But I can bring a couple of funny moments from my Internet life, maybe someone will help!!!
1) For the first time with Internet fraud, I ran into my first online game - The Legend of the Dragons. She then just appeared, there were no more super blue and then things, there were things very expensive green. They could be bought at auction, or "knocked out" from the mobs - a great rarity and great luck, because the money from this thing could be dressed less than your character.
In star, I was lucky. I knocked out a green knuckle. Since I just started playing - I had no idea how much it cost - I put it on and all! As a result, the local swindler asked me in surprise:
"How - you still have not runned it? !!!"
I, I remind full then the newby, even did not know the word!
"No!" - "Let's rune it," "How?" - "Give it to me, I'm just a jeweler by profession, I'll rune it for you" - he really had such a profession.
So... no knuckle for me!!!
Therefore, I can add my own rule - never give your things to anyone without bail! And Generally, the first place to go after knocking out an auction is to know its value !!!
2) All the same scammers - but the level is higher.
The same game is already the second character (yes, I'm persistent, and I tightened it !!!). Already grown - the 6th level of 10, half in green, even the shooting range is (that type is cool). And here in all the chats (they were divided into general, shopping and chat locations, well, private, but there, clearly not written): "Attention residents of FEO (country in the game) - right now - a win-win lottery if you answer all questions Correctly - get a valuable prize. And link.
This is now all clear (to me at least), but then! Wow - lottery is fun. Prize to the same.
Ok, I went. And there the site is designed as official. Everything is as it should be. In the center - the button - "Lottery" - clicked - questions like 10 are not complicated, but suppose the use of the library of the game to answer. And in the end, the simplest question is your e-mail.
I did not see my character any more!!! If anyone is surprised - and where the password was taken - even then it was full of password crackers programs. Whichever password you have (except the password from the pictures) - hack it to a specialist, well, a day. A simple game, all the same nuba .... In short, my password was qwerty!!!
Well, actually rule 2. That's everywhere they write, always, and how much I did not play after that - still someone came across once a month.
NEVER,GIVE YOUR E-MAIL TO ANYBODY, on which a character or game account is registered.
3) I can remember the cool story of how I was the moderator of the chat ....
It was funny. In general, I found another game, there just began to form a third race, well, I registered for it, they gave buns for it and all that. I got into the clan (by the way I advise everyone to always join the clan immediately, but I also do not recommend getting used to the role.) Very often people start to confuse the clan with the family. So. I joined the clan. And it every other day - banyat. The reason - the head was under the article (fraud - money was thrown on the work cell phone via SMS into the game and retired - somehow so). Un.
Well, I do not know, I wanted to - I took and razed the situation by penetrating as a game method, you can quickly lead a new leader without the participation of the head itself, which is understandable, scored for everything, but with admins (and often just the chief moderator).
The clan is saved, everyone is happy, I'm invited to join the Order of Order (clan of moderators). Thought a couple of minutes, well, I decided - and why not actually!
Those who really think that by entering a new character all your previous jambs and violations that you have committed by another character are not visible - in general - and do not expect. Even novice moderator has access to a history of violations of anyone.
Well and so, it is amusing. You see all the languages (as a rule in games different races speak different languages), who did what, who writes what (you can not see the private, but if you complain that you see it - also by the way - keep in mind). In principle, no one really drives. If it refers to both the additional functionality in the game and does not pay attention to the one you banish, then the community stops trying to catch you for something to be able to break the rules of the chat.
It was good experience - positive. But it bothered.
Well, since I started: Item 3 - try to moderate chat - it is very useful, then the habit of breaking is lost.
4) Finally - a sad experience from the forum. About what can create an untwisted forum with an audience of many millions with the fate of a person.
Prehistory is a young woman, works in a bank, knocked a woman with a child on a pedestrian crossing. About this story in mega black tones written on this forum, provided a video. Well, everything - the story in the top, flew on the Runet, a period like this - I'd like to apparently embarrass most people.
The result is that a woman tries to commit suicide in a week, without jokes, without any suicide notes, and wringing her hands, miraculously saved.
The fault itself you say? Especially for sure the major, the wheelbarrow "gave", she herself in the bank "works" and knocks an unhappy woman with a child.
So the majority thought, just reading the title, and glancing at the video. And they began to poison - they found an account in vkontakte, there are addresses, phones, her friends - in general when the crowd is taking charge - it will not seem too little.
And what was in reality. In the bank there are also tellyers working for example, for minimalk - it's just she, the car is a budget second-hand compact car - a loan, watching the video carefully, you can accurately say that the accident was not avoided. Before the pedestrian there was a parked minibus for cargo transportation (that is, without windows), the road was without marking, since only a layer was put new, just a sign, just behind the bus barely visible. Mother with a stroller did not look lazhe did not come out - ran out in front of this minibus directly over the car (I do not know where I hurried, maybe a bus). At the same time, the woman's machine was clearly trying to dodge-that is, there was a turn into the curb, but it's true with the stroller and mother.
Fortunately, the child survived. But there is nothing guilty woman, so experienced the wild stress so it was subjected to the moment of the shock state of the wildest persecution, almost did not bring the accounts with life.
The rule ... Morality ... And there is no it - here - better just in case, read again 10 rules of netiquette.
Rule 1: Remember that you are talking to a person.
The golden rule that you were taught in kindergarten, eh? Do not do to others what you do not want to get from them yourself. Put yourself in the place of the person with whom you speak. Defend your point of view, but do not offend others. In cyberspace they say: remember that you are talking to a person. When you use telecommunications, you are dealing with a computer screen. You can not gesticulate, change the tone, and the expression of your face plays no role. Words, only words - that's all that your interlocutor sees. This also applies to your interlocutor. Supporting the conversation on-line, whether it is via e-mail, or the answer on the forum, it's easy to misinterpret what was written. And to the horror it's easy to forget that your interlocutor is a person who has feelings more or less similar to yours.
And one more reason why you should be polite on the Web. When you contact someone in cyberspace, remember that your words are fixed. Perhaps they will remain where you can not reach. In other words, there is a chance that they will come back and harm you.
Rule 2: Stick to the same standards of conduct as in real life.
In real life, most of us obey the laws, sometimes because of restrictions, sometimes because of fears of being caught. In the virtual space, the chances of being caught are relatively small. People sometimes forget that "behind the screen" is a living person, and they think that the rules of the web are not so strict in the Internet as they are in ordinary life.
This error is understandable, but still it is a delusion. Standards of behavior may differ at different points in the virtual space, however, they are not softer than in real life.
Observe the ethics of communication
Do not believe the one who says: "All ethics here is what you set for yourself." If you are faced with an ethical problem in cyberspace, think about how you would act in real life. Most likely, you will quickly find a solution.
Rule 3: Remember where you are in cyberspace.
Netiquette differs in different parts of the Internet.
What is readily accepted in one environment, it may turn out to be a terrible rudeness in another. For example, in most television talk shows, doing idle chatter is normal. But if you dissolve unsubstantiated rumors in a journalistic environment, it can do you much harm.
Go to a new site for yourself, look around. Some time just follow the conversation or read the archives. Feel how the local "old-timers" behave here. And only then enter into a dialogue.
Rule 4: Respect the time and opportunity of others.
It is generally accepted that today people have much less time than ever before, even though we sleep less, and we have more work-facilitating devices than half a century ago. By sending a letter or answering the forum, you take the time of other people (at least, count on it). And you are responsible for the fact that their time is spent on your posts is not wasted.
You are not the center of cyberspace (not the navel of the Earth).
Probably, this reminder is unnecessary for many users. But I still include it, because such errors are typical for people who have gone to any project with a head. Do not expect that other users will constantly answer your questions or agree with your passionate arguments.
In the old days people used a "carbon paper". With its help, you could get several readable copies. And I had to think carefully and for a long time who should send these several copies.
Today you can send a copy by e-mail to anyone. Sometimes the distribution of their own information is among people's habit. Is it correct? People do not have much time to read messages, given the number of them. Before you send people your letter, think about whether they really need it. If you answer "no" to yourself, it's better not to spend them (and your) time. If you are in doubt, think twice before sending a message.
Rule 5: Keep your face
Take advantage of anonymity
I do not want you to have the impression that the Network is a gloomy and cruel world full of people who are only eager to bring each other to a heart attack. In general, all people want to be loved. On the Web (for example, on forums) you can meet with people whom you would never have met in real life. And neither of these people sees you. Thus, no one will judge you for the color of the skin, eyes, hair, your weight, age or manner of dressing.
However, you will be judged by how you write. For those who are on the web, it matters. Thus, grammar rules play an important role.
Be aware of what you are saying
Understand the content of your letter. When you want to say something like "it seems to me ..." or "I heard that ...", ask yourself - and if you do not check again the correctness of your facts. Unreliable information can cause a whole barrage of emotions on the Web. And if it repeats the second and third time, it can happen, as in the game "spoiled phone": your words will be distorted beyond recognition. (Of course, this can be perceived as advice not to follow your messages, but you are responsible for what you send yourself, and not for what you then did with your words).
In addition, make sure that your messages are clear and logically consistent. You can compose a paragraph of text that will be irreproachable from the point of view of grammar, but completely meaningless. This often happens if you want to convince someone of your rightness, using a variety of complex and long words that you yourself are not very familiar with.
Do not insult users
Finally, be patient and polite. Do not use obscene language, do not go to conflict for the sake of the conflict. Usually, if you think swearing is necessary, then it's better to use funny expressions like "sweet you are mine." You can also use the asterisk, for example "oh you, b **** c!". Such techniques are quite acceptable on the Web. You will avoid unnecessary conflicts, and everyone will understand what you wanted to say.
Rule 6: Help others where you can do it
Finally, after all these negative moments, one good advice.
Why ask questions in the virtual space effectively? Because your questions are read by many people who know the answer to them. And even if the qualified answer only a few people, the total amount of knowledge on the Web will increase. The Internet itself grew out of the desire of scientists to exchange experiences. Gradually, other people were drawn into this fascinating process.
Therefore - participate. After reading long lists of wishes for what you do not need to do, do not be afraid to share your experience.
Especially politely will devote others to the results of your questions. If you feel that there will be many answers to the question asked by you, or when you ask a question on a forum that you visit infrequently, it is worth ordering answers to e-mail instead of the forum. When you get enough answers, summarize the conclusions and write them on the forum. In this case, the experts who have given you time will benefit everyone.
Rule 7: Do not get involved in conflicts and do not allow them
Flames (flames) are emotional remarks, often expressed without consideration of the opinions of other participants in the conversation. These are messages where tact is not the most important thing, and the goal is to trigger user response: "Well, come on, tell me, what are you really thinking about this?"
Does Netiket prohibit flame? Not really. The flame is also an old tradition of the Net (and Netiquette never contradicted the traditions). The flame can be fun for writers and readers alike. And the recipients of the flame often deserve them.
But Netiquette against the flame, growing into wars - a series of vicious messages, which are exchanged, as a rule, two or three participants in the discussion. Such wars can literally capture the forum and ruin the friendly environment. This is unfair to other readers of the forum. And very soon people who do not participate in the discussion get tired of conflicts. In fact, there is an unacceptable monopolization of resources.
Rule 8: Respect confidentiality
You, of course, would never rummage in the drawers of the tables of your colleagues. So you also do not want to read their email. However, unfortunately, not everyone is like you. This topic deserves a separate chapter. Here I will tell only one small story, which is called
The story of the annoying foreign correspondent
In 1993, one foreign correspondent (whose rating was very large) of the Moscow branch of the Los Angeles Times was caught reading e-mails from his colleagues. The latter began to suspect that something was wrong when there appeared in the system records lines indicating the reading of e-mail at a time when the "owners" were not near their computers. Journalists went to the trick. They arranged so that a deliberately false message from another foreign branch of the newspaper came to the newspaper's address. The ill-fated reporter soon asked his colleagues a question about this information and got caught! As a disciplinary punishment, the reporter was immediately transferred to another, not so prestigious place in the Los Angeles Bureau of the newspaper.
Morality: disregard for the privacy of others is not only a sign of bad manners. It can cost you work.
Rule 9: Do not abuse your abilities
Some people in the virtual space feel professional. These are aces in each network game, experts in each office and system administrators on each system.
Possessing more knowledge than other users, or having more powers in their hands, these people automatically gain an advantage. However, this does not mean that they can use it. For example, system administrators should not read private e-mail messages.
Rule 10: Learn to forgive others for their mistakes
Everyone was once a rookie on the Internet. But not everyone has read this book. So when someone makes a mistake - be it a misprint in a word, an inadvertent flame, a stupid question or an unreasonably long answer - be indulgent. Even if your hands itch to respond, think twice. If you have good manners, this does not mean that you have the right to teach these manners to everyone else.
If you decide to draw the attention of the user to his / her error, do it correctly and better not on the forum, but in a private letter. Give people the opportunity to doubt. And do not be arrogant and arrogant. As you know, corrections in the text often also contain grammatical errors; Also, an indication of non-compliance with Netiquette's rules, sometimes, demonstrates a violation of the same Netiquette.
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